The God who acts on the social borders of the human
The biblical narrative and questions about gender
Samaria, Samaritan Woman, Gospel, JesusAbstract
The article wants to reflect the encounter of Jesus with a woman of the people who lived in Samaria. Despite the social differences the Samaritan woman was daring to engage in conversation with a Jewish man. The cut is in the Gospel of John in chapter 4 that presents some women who acted alongside Jesus as protagonists in some Gospel narratives. The biblical narrative addresses interesting questions about gender, segregation, racial and religious prejudice. Pericope addresses the life of women in the provinces of the capital of Samaria in specific "the Samaritan woman" text well known in the Christian milieu. Rereading of ancient texts is always an investigative process that seeks for precious discoveries that will be used in present history. Among these nuggets we find the restorative actions of Jesus, the incarnate God. Despised and suffering he lived in the marginality of society of his time with a status quo similar to that of the Samaritan character. Woman determined to clarify her religious doubts she is captivated by Jesus, becoming a disciple and missionary.
ARAÚJO, Gilvan Leite de. Jesus e a Samaritana. Revista de Cultura Teológica, n.87, p.231-249, 2016. Acesso em 15 de julho de 2023. DOI:
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