The prophecy of life and insurrection in the valley of death
A pandemic Reading from Ezekiel 37
Ezekiel 37, Pandemic, ProphecyAbstract
The present text constitutes a perspective of reflection that contemplates prophecy and pandemic in the current context. The relevance of the reflection is to reinterpret Ezekiel 37 prophecy, considering the pandemic reality and the neglect of human life. The dimension of “dry bones” puts the biblical perspective on the ground of life and gives the reality of death theological density. Ezekiel's prophecy reinforces that the bones are more than dry: very dry. So was the life of the people and then the question will be that these bones will be able to revive? The objective is to relate pandemic to prophecy, in the sense of resuming the fact that living the Judeo-Christian faith and spirituality means hearing a Word in exile as happened with Ezekiel and the prophet's responsibility is to live this word and be able to communicate it through life to his brothers and sisters
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