Care, sharing, resilience

Principle of equality and gender violence


  • Mari Teresinha Maule ECOPAZ (Guaporé-RS) e Fraternidade da Anunciação da Cidade de Goiás-GO



Equality, Violence, Care, Sharing, Resilience


The constitutional principle of equality, included in article 5º, caput of the Federal Constitution of 1988, is a legal framework in the Brazilian legal system, when it was inserted in the Fundamental Rights chapter, it was raised as a supreme and founding value of constitutional legislation, carrying a high degree of imperativity, whose violation results in illegality and / or unconstitutionality. This principle brings, with its interpretation, that people placed in different situations are treated unevenly. It appears that formal equality is far away from the reality we are inserted, when comparing the relationships between men and women, which is demonstrated by the high rates of violent practices that women experience daily. Such acts, end up annihilating one of the fundamental ethical values of our humanity, which is life. In the intended act of creating life, aimed at making it dignified and healthy, in all its dimensions of Being and Coexisting and in the care of the Self and the Others, they are considered as essentials in the transformation of the exclusionary and unequal structures of society. Starting from this constitutional principle, and using the literature review as a method, the present text has as objective to discourse about how the interpersonal gender relations are presented in society, exposing the project entitled Circu(LAR), as an innovative experience on violence superation. And, in this sense, the groups and movements of civil society and communities, are essential elements, and aggregators of spaces / time that make it possible to look at feelings, anguish and share of experiences, emotions and affections in the search to overcome and transform this reality, constituting the fulfillment of the dreamed Hope defended by Pope Franscisco (Fratelli Tutti).


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Author Biography

  • Mari Teresinha Maule, ECOPAZ (Guaporé-RS) e Fraternidade da Anunciação da Cidade de Goiás-GO

    Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (1993), Mestra em Desenvolvimento Regional Político Institucional pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (1999). Especialista pela Universidade de Passo Fundo em Direito Civil e Direito Processual Civil (2015). De 1999 até 2018, docente na Universidade de Caxias do Sul e Coordenadora do Núcleo de Prática Jurídica e do Serviço de Assistência Jurídica gratuita na mesma instituição. Foi coordenadora do Curso de Direito do ano de 2013 a 2016, no Campus da UCS de Guaporé. Advogada atuante nas áreas de responsabilidade civil, administração pública, direito constitucional, processo civil, direito de família, direito do consumidor. Membro e sócia fundadora da ONG ECOPAZ de Guaporé-RS. Membro e sócia fundadora da Fraternidade da Anunciação da Cidade de Goiás-GO. Membro da equipe de coordenação do projeto circu(LAR): O mosaico dos cuidados.


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How to Cite

Care, sharing, resilience: Principle of equality and gender violence. (2021). Revista Teopráxis, 38(131), 103-113.

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